Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pure and Simple- NOV 7th at Holy Spirit 6p.m-8p.m

The Office of Religious education will be hosting an event titled Pure and Simple.  This night will present what it means to be male and female along with practical tips to living this truth.

For those in our Confirmation Program, this event can substitute for the Theology of the Body seminar that will take place in December.

The event takes place on Nov 7th from 6p.m-8.p.m. at Holy Spirit Catholic Church

If you plan on attending, please register by clicking here

If you have question please visit this site:

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pope's Haunted Farm!

We are meeting at Holy Spirit at 6 pm on October 26th. We plan to return by 10:30 pm. It is recommend to bring $25 to enjoy all rides but $15 will cover the price of one ride. Permission slips and money can be turned in the day of the event.
If you have any questions please send me an email: