Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Questions Set 4--Mariology

Due Dates:
CIC St. Bede (Jan 9th)--Questions due Jan4th
CIC Holy Spirit (Jan 20th)--Questions due Jan 18th
1. Name & explain the 4 Marian dogmas. Please give the council or Encyclical in which it was defined.
2. What are the major scriptural images of Mary?
3. Who was Mary’s human husband?
4. What happened at the annunciation?
5. What is the difference between the recognition given Mary verses Jesus?
6. Name Mary’s parents and the document which gives this information?
7. What was the name of her cousin and where is this information found in scripture?
8. What was John the Baptist’s reaction when Mary approached while he was in utero?
9. Name and briefly describe 3 Vatican-approved Marian apparitions
10. What is a litany? What is the only Marian litany approved for public recitation?

Friday, December 7, 2012

December Service Projects

December Service Projects:
Dec. 8th--Bday for Jesus 1:30pm-4:30pm @St Bede FLC
Dec. 8th--Angel Tree Pack & Sort 9am-until @Holy Spirit Gallery
Dec. 15th--St. Bede Parish Clean Up 9am-until @St. Bede Parish Hall
Dec. 22nd-24th--Holy Spirit Parish Church Decorating 9am-until on all days @Holy Spirit Sanctuary.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Confirmation Questions Set #3

Hey Everyone,
Here are the questions for the Month of December:

Due Dates:
Christ in the Capital @St. Bede Session (12/12):  Questions Due December 7th

Christ in the Capital @Holy Spirit Session (12/16): Questions Due December 14th

Morality Questions #1:
  1. Name the 10 Commandments in order.
  2.  Define sin. What is the Difference between a Mortal Sin and a Venial Sin? What is the Difference between a Sin of Commission and a Sin of Omission?
  3. What are the three criteria for a sin to be mortal? Give Scriptural evidence for the existence of Mortal Sin.
  4. What are the three sources of a moral act? Which is primary and why?
  5. Why is the Christian notion of Freedom not “I can do whatever I want?” Explain.
  6. What are the Precepts of the Church?
  7. List and explain the seven Deadly Sins. List and explain the corresponding virtues.
  8. What is natural virtue? How does one acquire them? List and explain the four Cardinal Virtues.
  9. What are the three Theological Virtues? How does one acquire them? Explain the difference between a Cardinal and a Theological Virtue.
  10. Define the following terms: Eternal Law, Natural Law, and Human Positive Law.  What is the relationship between them? How should this inform political life in a community?

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Questions Set 2

Hello Everyone,
This is just a reminder that your questions for set two will be due by Friday Nov. 9th if you plan on going to the Teen Cafe Christ in the Capital Session so that I can have it graded by Nov. 14th.

If you are going to the Life Teen Christ in the Capital Session then your questions will be due by Nov 16th so that they will be graded for your Nov. 18th session.

In Christ,

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

March For Life Parent Meeting

Attention Everyone, if you are interested in attending the 2013 March for Life Trip on January 22nd-27th in Washington, D.C., there is a mandatory parent meeting that is going to be held in the Holy Spirit Parish Hall on Thursday, November 15th at 7:00pm.  Remember, space is limited so please RSVP for the trip as ASAP by turning in your registration from and $100.00 deposit.  For more information, please contact Ryan Bravata at or by phone at 334.797.5139.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Confirmation Questions Set 2

Hello Everyone,
Here are the the questions for the month of November.  These questions will be due on Friday November 16th for your sessions on Sunday November 18th from 3-4:30pm @Holy Spirit.  Please submit these via email in a word document if possible.  Thanks so much.
In Christ,
Prayer Questions:
1.      Please know the following prayers:  The Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, Apostles Creed, Hail Holy Queen, St. Michael Prayer, Act of Contrition, Divine praises, Grace before Meals.
2.      What is prayer?
3.      What are the sources of Christian prayer?
4.      What is the Rosary?
5.      Please List and briefly explain the four different sets of Mysteries of the Rosary.
6.      Why do we begin all prayer with the Sign of the Cross and end with the Amen?
7.      What are the four types of prayer? Briefly define each.
8.      Explain the difference between private prayer and community prayer?  Why is communal prayer/worship a requirement for the Christian faithful?
9.      Explain the three forms of penance that Jesus identifies in the Gospel of Matthew?  What is the difference between mortification and penance?
10.  What are sacramentals?  Explain how Icons and statues are beneficial to a life of prayer?  How are they not a violation of the commandment against idol worship? How are they beneficial to a life of prayer?

 Saints Questions:
1.      What is a saint?  Explain the biblical defense of saintly intercession? How does this not go against Christ being the one mediator.
2.      Explain the difference between latria, dulia, and hyperdulia?
3.      List and briefly explain the four step process towards canonization? 4.      What is a martyr?  How is the canonization process different for one who has been martyred?
5.      What is the communion of saints?  List and define the three levels of the communion of saints.
6.      What is purgatory?  Briefly explain the Church Doctrine using 2Macc 10 and 1Cor 3. 
7.      What are indulgences? Articulate a response to the Protestant critique to indulgences.
8.      What is meant by the term Heaven?  What is Hell?  Explain the difference between hell and the Jewish notion of Sheol.
9.      Explain what is meant by the universal call to holiness.
10.  What is the judgment? Explain the difference between the general and particular judgment.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Inconvenience of Faith: A Reflection on the Opening of the Year of Faith

            Within the life of every human, one of the things that can be said to be a universal aspect of our condition is the reality of choice.  Just think about it, each and every day we are faced with many decisions that will effect or lives.  Some of those choices may be as simple as what should I eat for breakfast? Or what should I wear today? Now these choices in and of themselves do not seem to have much bearing on the general well being of our day, but in reality the little choices such as these will effect the habits that one develops with regard to how he/she relates to the world.  For example, eating breakfast even if it is something small has great benefits to your general health as well as the amount of focus that you may have in completing your daily responsibilities.  Likewise, the way you dress for any given day may have effects on you beyond just being fashionable.  The first effect that it may have is purely practical—“Does what I wear allow me to adapt to my environment?”  Namely, is it weather appropriate?  And secondly, what you wear may have an implication on how the world responds to you.  For instance, “does what I wear allow me to be treated with dignity and respect or does my manner of dress allow others to view me as an object for their personal pleasure? 

            As you can see the little choices that we make do have an implication on one’s life, but today’s blog is mainly about the major choices and specifically the fundamental choice that all of us make in our lives.  That fundamental choice is either to be for Christ or against him.  When reflecting upon this choice and when writing this article, it is somewhat providential that I was inspired to write this article today.  The reason that I say this is because today is the day that our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI has chosen to open the Year of Faith.  But why did Pope Benedict XVI choose to do this?  The main reason is because currently there is a crisis in the faith.  In his motu propio document Porta Fidei (The Door of Faith)—the document in which he chose to announce the year of faith—our Holy Father articulates this crisis by writing, “It often happens that Christians are more concerned for the social, cultural and political consequences of their commitment, continuing to think of the faith as a self-evident presupposition for life in society (§2).”  As the Holy Father puts it, this crisis is not the same type of crisis that the Church has encountered in the past.  In the past, the Church would defend the faith by speaking out against an overt heresy that was leading people away from the heart of the Church.  Now that crisis is more subtle.  Rather than overtly working against the hearts of Christians, the evil one has chosen to act by attacking our fundamental choice.  In any given parish, in the western world one common thing that is often seen is the complacency of the faith.  Rather than attending Mass to worship and adore, many find themselves there merely to meet the social obligation/expectation.  Unfortunately, in many hearts, there is a loss of the passion that once guided our fathers in the faith.  Rather than hearts on fire, we are faced with people who are inconvenienced by the Gospel.

            In order to address this reality, I would like to turn to two models of the faith and how it is that they answered the call of Christ; namely, St. Peter and Our Lady.  The first model that I wish to look to is the witness of our first pope St. Peter.  To do this lets turn to the Gospel of St. Matthew and see how the Apostle recounts St. Peter’s call:

        “As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter,
and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they were fishermen.  He said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’  At once they left their nets and followed him (Mt. 4:18-20).”

Due to the briefness of this call account, it is easy to miss the profoundness of the event. Just think about it, St. Peter was a fisherman.  That is what he did and that that is what he had known for his entire life and now, some guy who he hardly knew is asking him to leave everything behind and trust that his basic needs were going to be met so that he could survive.  Now, there is no way for us to know the internal dialogue that went on in St. Peter’s heart, but what we do know, as spoken by St. Matthew, is that St. Peter was willing to lay down every part of his life in order that he might be able to truly give his heart to Christ.  Modern readers would say that this is no minor inconvenience but more like and act of craziness.  You see, our society says get in line, go with the flow, get educated and get a job but the Call of the Messiah asks us to lay all down for the Glory of God even if that means leaving everything behind.

                    Our second model of faith is none other than the Blessed Virgin Mary, the
        Mother of God.  If anyone could be said to have been "inconvenienced" by the Gospel it could be her.  According to the Gospel of St. Luke, Mary was a young girl from Nazareth and suddenly, in a life altering encounter, the Archangel Gabriel appears to her and tells her that she would become the Mother of God.  In that moment, Mary’s heart was not so much concerned about the social consequences of her choice but her only response was “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word (Luke 26-38).”  In that moment, Mary was more willing to say yes than to worry about the fact that according to Jewish law she could be killed for being pregnant out of wedlock.  What bravery this woman had to be so willing to die so that “The Way, the Truth, and The Life” could become our own.
            As we can see, this basic commitment to the faith is something that is
livable, but just because it is doable that doesn’t mean that it will be easy, and it is precisely because of that perceived difficulty, many people have abandoned the pursuit of holiness.   As G.K. Chesterton put it, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting.  It has been found difficult and left untried.”  So if we want to genuinely pursue of life of holiness, we must remember that anything that is worth doing is going to be difficult.  Just imagine how hard we work at other pursuits in our life, whether that be athletic ability, the pursuit of knowledge, or the development of other musical or artistic talents.  These talents where not just developed by saying I want it therefore I can automatically win the Super Bowl.  Rather, it took many years of training and learning to develop those skills.  Well the same thing is true about our faith.  We cannot just say I want holiness and therefore I am entitled to salvation.  But as St. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, the same attitude that athletes take towards training should be given to the pursuit of the Christian life.  If our hearts want to burn for Christ again we must take the pursuit of holiness seriously for the commitment is not just a onetime event but an event that begins a lifelong journey.   In order to see the truth of this reality, all we have to do is look at the history of the Church.  In that history, there have been many who have gone before us who have made that commitment.  It was that commitment that led St. Peter and the Blessed Virgin to radically change the directions that they thought their lives were heading.  It was that commitment to faith that inspired the Apostles to go and boldly profess the faith to the world.  It was that faith that inspired to hearts to be willing to lay down their lives for the Truth, and it is that faith that inspires us to do the same so that we might walk through that “Door of Faith” and become the saints of today.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October Service Projects

October Service Hours:
Oct. 13 12pm Rosary Rally @Resurrection Parish
Oct. 13 6pm Oktoberfest @Holy Spirit Parish Hall (help with nursery, busing tables, serving food, clean up)
Oct. 20 9-11am St. Bede Fall Festival Set Up
Oct. 20 12pm H.A.L.O. Fundraiser Set up @ St. James Church
Oct. 20th 2-5pm HALO Fundraiser @St. James Church (Need Stage Crew, Facepainting, Porta Potty Attendant, someone to build and paint scarecrow photo booth, Pumpkin Patch Hayride attendant and clean up)
Oct.21 12-4pm St. Bede Fall Festival (need people in concessions and to help with inflatables outside)

Please RSVP with me and let me know which ones you will be attending.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Confirmation Parent Meetings/1st Catechetical Session

Attention all Parents,
There will be a mandatory Confirmation meeting for all parents of Confirmation students who are in both the 1st and 2nd year of the formation process.  Please make sure that at least one parent attends the meeting that is most convenient.  Please pick one of the following:

Sunday October 7th 11:00am @St. Bede Cafeteria
Sunday October 7th 3:00pm @Holy Spirit Parish Hall
Tuesday October 9th 6:00pm @Holy Spirit Parish Hall
Wednesday October 10th 6:00pm @St. Bede Sanctuary

Also, as part of the catechesis program students who do not go to MCPS or have an approved Homeschool catechetical program are required to attend monthly catechetical sessions from 3-4:30pm.  Our first session will take place on Sunday October 21st in the Holy Spirit Parish Hall.  This is a mandatory meeting for private and public school students but all are encouraged to attend since the questions that will be gone over will be your study guide for your Confirmation Interview.  Below you will find the questions for this month.  Please answer all of the questions and email and/or snail mail them back to me by Friday Oct. 19th to be graded before your session.  if you have any other questions please feel free to contact me.

In Christ,

Scripture Questions:
1.     What is the Bible?
2.     What does the Church teach about the Bible?
3.     Describe the four different stages in the development of the NT canon? 
4.     What is the difference (list the books) between the Catholic and the Protestant OT?
5.     How did this difference develop? 
6.     What the principal parts of the OT and the NT? 
7.     What does Torah mean  and what are the principal stories of the Torah?
8.     Who are the Major Prophets of the OT and what were their major concerns?
9.     List the Different people to whom books of the NT are attributed? 
10. What are the Catholic Epistles? Please list them. 
11. Why are there four different Gospels, and how should this effect the way we read the Gospels?
12. Explain why Catholics take parts of the Bible Literally (ex. John 6) and other parts not so literally (Creation Story).

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

High School Bible Study

High School Bible Study: Do you find it hard to read the Sacred Scriptures? Do you wish you knew more about what the Bible actually says? or Have you just been wanting a Bible Study that was geared towards the youth? If so then have we got an event for you. This Semester we will be starting a weekly Bible Study which will meet every Tuesday from 7:00-8:30pm in the Holy Spirit Conference Room. We will be beginning our study with 1 Thessalonians on Tuesday September 11th and all are welcome to attend. For more information contact Ryan Bravata at 334.797.5139 or by email at

Friendship Mission--September 8th

"Service Project at Friendship Mission:  On Saturday September 8th from 9am-11am, Teen Cafe and Life Teen will be going to the Friendship Mission for our first Service project of the 2012-2013 year.  While there we will be serving in the food kitchen, sorting clothing, and/or gardening.  If you will like to attend please meet us at the mission located at 3561 Mobile Hwy. For more information contact Ryan Bravata at or by phone at 334.797.5139."

**NOTE: Please have the girls dress modestly and they asked that now one wear any jewelry or bring any money with them.  This includes no purses since we will have no way to secure them on the property.  if you must have your phone then you must carry them in your pocket and not set them down around the work site.  While it is a safe facility we nor the Friendship Mission will be responsible for lost or stolen items.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

En Fuego Music Festival--August 25th

Hey Everyone,
On Saturday August 25th, Teen Cafe and Life Teen will be attending the En Fuego Music Festival.  Tickets are free so if you would like to attend please RSVP with Ryan Bravata by Friday August 24th.  Bands performing include Red, Sanctus Real, Kari Jobe, The Afters, Remedy Drive and many more.  Concert gates open at 11:00am so we will depart from the St. Bede back parking lot by 10:00am.  For additional questions please contact Ryan at 334.797.5139 or by email at  Also, if you are a parent who would like to drive to the concert please let me know because we will need drivers.  

In Christ,
Ryan Bravata
P.S. it is an outdoor concert so please come prepared for rain or shine (i.e. sunblock, bug spray, rain coats or panchos, etc.)

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Get the Party Started--Fall Kick Off 2012

Hello Everyone,
It is the beginning of a new year and we are ready to kick off the Fall with a marathon of messy/water games to occur on the following dates:

August 19: Life Teen Kick Off
                 Holy Spirit Parish Hall

August 22: Teen Cafe Kick Off
                 St. Bede Family Life Center

Please note the time change for Teen Cafe from 7:00pm to 6:30pm.  this will be our normal meeting time from now on.  Also, since we will be getting messy and wet please make sure that you bring or wear a change of clothes that you do not mind getting dirty or stained.  Also, we ask that the girls not wear white tshirts for the sake of modesty.  Lastly, everyone is asked to bring either a 2liter of soda or a snack food (bag of chips, package of cookies, etc.).  If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask and please spread the word so that we will have a great start to the new year.  See you soon.

In Christ,

Friday, May 25, 2012


          I know that it has been a while since I last posted a reflection, so in case you forgot, I sometimes do this.  Anyway, in honor of summer, I felt that it was important to start the break off with a reminder of the need for purity.  While, the topic goes both towards guys and girls, I wanted to focus mainly on the guys perspective one because I am a guy and two because, Jackie Francois, the most amazing woman you will ever meet, does a great job, in an article she wrote for Life Teen, articulating the ladies perspective.  Jackie’s article is entitled The Bikini Battle: Sexy vs. Beautiful, and can be found at the following link.   If you are a girl at this point I encourage you to click over to Jackie's article but feel free to keep reading as well. 
            As we continue, the first question that must be asked is “What does it take to be a man?”  Often in our highly sexualized culture, the very things that make being a guy so great become twisted and deformed.  For example, one of the things that dominates being a man is the pursuit of beauty.  Now some of you may be reading that with a confused look on your face but the fact of the matter is, the pursuit of beauty dominates the idea of man.  Just think about it, why do you think man is so captivated by the feminine form?  It is not just because she looks “hot” and it is not solely hormones.  The fact of the matter is that deep down in our hearts there is an echo of pre-lapsarian (before the fall) Adam in each and every one of us.  
           In the garden, Adam dwelt with God and in that dwelling there was an intimacy with the Lord, and in that intimacy there was pondering and a penetrating of the deepest mysteries of God—Beauty in itself.  But what do we mean by Beauty in itself?  By the phrase “beauty in itself” we mean the source of all beauty; that by which all beauty has its being.  For example, I know that I am beautiful, but while I am incredibly attractive, I am not beauty in itself for if I were, the moment that I died then the rest of the world’s beauty would also stop existing.  So there is a distinction between finite beauty and infinite beauty. 
            So what does this have to do with women?  To be blunt, it has everything to do with women.  You see, while the pondering of the mystery of God is awesome, God still said “It is not good that man should be alone"… (Gen. 2:18); man needs someone like himself to be in communion with.  So we all know how the story goes…Adam takes a nap, God takes his rib, Eve is created, and Adam responds.  You see, it is this response that colors the point that I am trying to make, for at the moment of Eve’s creation, Adam gazed at her with such love and passion that the first recorded biblical emotional response is that of man’s awe and wonder at the beauty of female form.
            In man’s pursuit of beauty, the object of that pursuit in our culture has become twisted.  Instead of being in awe and wonder about the female form, man is told that true masculinity rests not in the pursuit but in the conquest and use of woman.  No longer, is man fascinated by the mystery that is woman; rather, it is when little is left to the imagination that modern man responds.  As Jackie pointed out in her article, Jason Everett mentions a study done by Princeton University.  In that study, college aged men had their brains scanned as they were shown images of scantily clad women.  What is interesting to point out is that while this was happening the part of the brain that is associated with “tool usage” lit up.  In other words:

            “Men tend to associate bikini-clad women with first-person action verbs such as I 
            “push,” “handle” and “grab” instead of the third-person forms such as she “pushes,”
            “handles” and “grabs.” They associated fully clothed women, on the other hand, with the
             third-person forms, indicating these women were perceived as in control of their own

Now guys, I don’t know about you, but that is not the kind of man that I want to be.  I am not saying that chastity is the easiest of virtues to live as a guy, but what I am saying is that as man, God has placed in each and everyone of our hearts the desire to fight the battle and to keep fighting until the fight is won (2 Tim. 4:7).  The problem is that our culture has told us that there is no longer a battle and unfortunately, many men have laid down their weapons and given up.  As you enter this summer, I pray that all of you will rise to the challenge and live as men of God who are willing to fight for the integrity of our sisters in Christ.  Let us remember that it is not in the pursuit of bodies in which our masculinity was created but it is in the pursuit of a person; person whose beauty can captivate us and point us back to that which is beauty in itself.

St. Joseph…Pray For Us.
St. Augustine…Pray For Us.
St. Pio…Pray for Us.
St Louis, King of France…Pray for Us.
Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati…Pray for Us.
Bl. John Paul the Great…Pray for Us.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

School's Out Get a Biscuit

Attention everyone, in honor of the end of the school year and the beginning of summer, Teen Cafe and Life Teen will be attending the Montgomery Biscuits vs. Jackson Generals game on Friday, May 25th.  The game begins at 7:05pm and we will be meeting at Riverwalk Stadium at 6:50pm.  If you would like to attend, tickets are $10 each and can be reserved by contacting Ryan Bravata by email at  Hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Upcoming Service Projects

Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to draw your attention to some service opportunities that were coming up in the next couple months:

Tuesday April 10th, Thursday April, 12, & Friday April 13: I need 4-5 people per date to meet me in the St. Bede Family Life Center from 3:30-5:00pm to chop up 4-5 cases of parsley for the Lebanese Food Festival.

Friday April 13th: 5:30-7:30pm I need 6-8 volunteers to help me set up tables for the Lebanese Food Festival in the St. Bede School Cafeteria.

Saturday April 14th: Holy Spirit Yard Clean Up Day 9:00am-12:00pm.  Minor yard work and gardening around the property.  Please bring gardening tools (gloves, rakes, garden shovels, etc.).  Lunch will be provided.

Saturday April 14th: Lebanese Food Festival Request Volunteers to help serve food, drinks and take out trash 3:30pm-7:00pm in the St. Bede School Cafeteria (6-8 volunteers)

Saturday April 14th: Lebanese Food Festival Volunteers needed to tear down the tables after the festival from 7:00pm-8:30pm (6-8 volunteers).
Saturday May 12th: Mission Dinner--Fundraiser Dinner for youth program.  Volunteers needed for set up/decoration, waiting tables, entertainment @ dinner, and community service auction. Service at the event will be awarded $100.00 stipend for Covecrest if you were unable to participate in Concessions.  Attached to the talent portion there will also be an Community service Auction in which the students auction off services such as Babysitting, Lawn Care, House Cleaning, Car Washes, etc..  Whatever is bid on your service goes directly towards your child's Covecrest Trip. You can also do regular auction items for silent auction which will also go directly towards your child's trip expenses.

Saturday May 19th: Holy Spirit Church Clean up 9:00am-2:00pm--Day of cleaning to Beautify the Church sanctuary in preparation for the 1st Mass of Dc. Victor Ingalls after his Priestly Ordination.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Cottonmouths Hockey Game, March 10th

On Saturday March 10th, Teen Cafe, Life Teen and EDGE will be attending the Columbus Cottonmouths vs. Augusta Riverhawks Hockey Game in Columbus, GA. The cost for each ticket is $15.00 per person and checks should be made out either to St. Bede Catholic Church or Holy Spirit Catholic Church.  Deadline to RSVP is Wednesday March 7.  For more information please contact Ryan Bravata at 334.797.5139 or by email at

Thursday, February 16, 2012


SEARCH RETREAT MONTGOMERY - The Archdiocese is putting on a High School retreat up at lake Martin on March 2-4th. The retreat is lead by teens for teens looking to find answers to how Jesus fits into their life. SEARCH has been a tradition for over 30 years in Montgomery and gives you a chance to meet other teens from all over central Alabama and share your faith. Please join us as we all SEARCH for a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ. For more info and forms or call Brandon @ 334-354-4007

Friday, January 27, 2012

Food, Art & Talent Night--Feb. 15th

"Attention all high school students:  Are you a singer, actor, dancer, poet, or musician? Do you like to paint, sculpt, or do photography? Or are your gifts better served as a baker or chef?  If you answered yes to any of these question then we have the youth group night just for you.  On Wednesday, Feburary 15th, Teen Cafe and Life Teen will be hosting our third annual Food, Art & Talent Night in the St. Bede Family Life Center.  All acts, pieces, and dishes are welcome.  To sign-up your talent please contact Ryan Bravata no later than February 14th by phone at 334.797.5139 or by email at"

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hidden Christ Retreat

Attention all high school Students:  On February 24-26, 2012, Teen Cafe and Life Teen will be holding our first ever Winter Retreat.  The theme for the retrea is Hidden in Christ and the cost for the weekend will be $75.00 which will cover all meals, lodging, supplies, and retreat shirt.  The retreat will be student led and is one of the approved retreats for all Confirmation students though all students are invited to attend. For more information and registration forms, please contact Ryan Bravata at 334.797.5139 or by email at

Covecrest Hiawassee: June 4-9 & Stipends

Attention Everyone,
This year we will be attending Life Teen Covecrest Summer Camp in Hiawassee, GA from June 4-9.  The cost for the trip is $450.00 per person and registration will require a deposit of $100.00 written out to St. Bede Catholic Church or Holy Spirit Catholic Church.  Space is limited to 45 students and these spots will be filled on a first come first serve basis.  To ensure that you will have a spot please turn in your deposits ASAP.

Also, to help out with the cost of the trip we will be working in the Concession stands at all of the St. Bede Basketball games every Saturday (except Jan 21st b/c of the March for Life) throughout the months of January and February.  We will need coverage (4 people per shift) for each shift (7:30am-11am & 11am-2:30pm) every Saturday.  In addition to this, if you choose to work two shifts throughout the two months you will receive a $100.00 stipend towards the cost of your trip.  To sign up for shifts, please contact Mr. Bravata.