Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Questions Set 6: Important Saints

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to give you the questions for March.  These questions will be gone over at Christ in the Capital on the following dates:

Holy Spirit March 10 (Questions Due March 8th)
St. Bede March 13 (Questions due March 11th)

Keep in mind that because of the retreat, Holy Week and Easter Christ in the Capital had to moved to the 2nd Sunday instead of the usual 3rd Sunday.

Important Saints
  1. Who are your Confirmation Patron Saint and what is his/her significance?
  2. List the Apostles. Why does your answer have 14 names rather than 12?
  3. Who are the Fathers of the Church and what is their importance?
  4. What is a Doctor of the Church? List them.
  5. Who is St. Benedict? Describe the importance of his religious order to the history of Europe.
  6. Who is St. Patrick? Describe the importance of the Church in Ireland to the History of Europe.
  7. Who is Dominic? Describe the importance of his religious order.
  8. Who is St. Francis? Describe the importance of his religious order.
  9. Who is St. Ignatius? Describe the importance of his religious order. 
  10. Who is Blessed John XXIII and what is significance?
  11. Pick a twentieth century saint and describe his/her life and importance to the Church.