Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Reminder: Theology of the Body Seminar Dec 14th

What: Theology of the Body Seminar

When: Dec. 14th, 10:00 a.m

Where: St Bede Family Life Center (Ballroom)

Who: All are invited but 1st and 2nd year Confirmation Candidates AND their Parents are expected to attend

- If you've already attended a Theology of the Body retreat (Last year or in Nov) then you are not expected to attend

God Bless,

Fr. Pat

Monday, November 25, 2013

Parish Service Opportunity

An elderly member of our parish needs help moving items out of the storage unit.  If you are interested, please contact Fr. Pat Arensberg ( for more information
God Bless

Monday, November 18, 2013

Confirmation- St. Bede: Thursday, Nov 21st at 6:30 P.M

Just a reminder that Confirmation for St. Bede will be THIS Thursday, Nov. 21st.  The schedule is as follows
5:00 P.M- Those to be confirmed and Sponsors meet at the Church for practice
5:30 P.M- Confession available for Confirmandi, sponsors and family
6:00 P.M- Group picture in the Parish Hall
6:20 P.M- Line up for Confirmation
6:30 P.M- Confirmation

If you have any questions please contact Fr. Pat at

See you Thursday

Fr. Pat

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pure and Simple- NOV 7th at Holy Spirit 6p.m-8p.m

The Office of Religious education will be hosting an event titled Pure and Simple.  This night will present what it means to be male and female along with practical tips to living this truth.

For those in our Confirmation Program, this event can substitute for the Theology of the Body seminar that will take place in December.

The event takes place on Nov 7th from 6p.m-8.p.m. at Holy Spirit Catholic Church

If you plan on attending, please register by clicking here

If you have question please visit this site:

Monday, October 21, 2013

Pope's Haunted Farm!

We are meeting at Holy Spirit at 6 pm on October 26th. We plan to return by 10:30 pm. It is recommend to bring $25 to enjoy all rides but $15 will cover the price of one ride. Permission slips and money can be turned in the day of the event.
If you have any questions please send me an email:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Upcoming Events

Here are some dates to be mindful about in the next month:

Oct 5th- St. Bede AND Holy Spirit Parish Work Day-

            St. Bede- we will begin after the 8:30a.m Mass.

              Holy Spirit- We will begin after the 9:00 a.m. 

Please show up in work clothes.  Remember, this counts as a Service opportunity for our Confirmation Candidates!!!!

Oct 26th- Pope's Farm- Sign-ups and Permissions slips will be distributed at Teen Cafe and Lifeteen nights.  Cost is $15

Sunday, September 1, 2013


Just a reminder that we will be starting youth group on the following dates:

Teen Cafe: Wednesday, September 4th 6:30 at St. Bede FLC

Edge Night (7th and 8th graders): Wednesday, September 4th 6:30 at St. Bede FLC

Life Teen: Sunday, September 8th 6:30 at Holy Spirit

The first night we will be doing messy games so make sure you bring clothes you don't mind getting messy.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Just a reminder for Tomorrow (Wednesday):

Nashville Dominicans!!!!!

Two Dominican Sisters from Nashville, Tenn. will be presenting a talk on the Theology of the Body titled: "Masculinity and Femininity: Difference and Gift".  The sisters will address topics such as the role of gender today and its effect on marriage.  The talk will be held Wednesday, August 28th at 6:30 p.m.  in St. Bede's FLC. (where Teen Cafe meets)

Dinner and Child care will be provided

New Confirmation Dates

I really hope this is the last time we have a heading like this:

Holy Spirit Church: November 5th, 6:30 p.m

St. Bede Church: November 21st, 6:30 p.m

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Due to a mix up in scheduling, the confirmation dates for this year had to be moved.  The new dates are:

Holy Spirit Parish- Saturday, Sept 21 @ 5:30 p.m

St. Bede Parish- TBA but we're looking to do it on November 21st

Sorry for the inconvenience, please contact Fr. Pat Arensberg (St. Bede Parish) if you have any questions.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Confirmation Meeting Reminders

Just a reminder that the following Confirmation meetings will take place:

Tuesday, August 20th 6p.m at St. Bede Parish Hall

Monday, August 26th 6 p.m. at Holy Spirit Parish Hall

This is for all those who are beginning the 2 year confirmation process.  Confirmation packets will be handed out at this time

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Nashville Dominicans!!!!!

Two Dominican Sisters from Nashville, Tenn. will be presenting a talk on the Theology of the Body titled: "Masculinity and Femininity: Difference and Gift".  The sisters will address topics such as the role of gender today and its effect on marriage.  The talk will be held Wednesday, August 28th at 6:30 p.m.  in St. Bede's FLC. (where Teen Cafe meets)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Angel Tree Service Project

Holy Spirit Parish will be sponsoring the Angel Tree this year.  They are offering the following service projects:

Sunday November 17, 1-4pm  
Sunday December 1, 12-2pm  
Sunday December 8, 12-2pm  
Saturday December 14, 9-12 noon

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Service Hour Opportunity

Montgomery Catholic High School PTC needs help moving books for the used book sale.  The sale is Wednesday, August 7th.  We need volunteers at the high school Wednesday at 1 p.m. to help move books to the DBC. 

More Dates

I've just received some more dates for the upcoming year:

     August 26th 6:00pm - Confirmation Parent Meeting at Holy Spirit Parish in the Parish Hall  
This is for 9th graders and parents who will be starting the 2 year confirmation program
   September 8th 6:30p.m - LIFETEEN Kick Off at Holy Spirit Parish in the Parish Hall

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Start of a New Year!

Hey Everyone,

I hope you've had a good summer.  As you know there have been some changes to the Youth Ministry program here in Montgomery, specifically our High School Youth Minister Mr. Ryan Bravata has discerned a religious vocation with the Benedictine monks in Cullman, AL and our EDGE Junior High Youth Minister, Shannon Brunson, has moved to Auburn, AL.  We wish both of them the best in all their future endeavors and they will be in our prayers this year.

Despite the lost, we must press forward, doing the great work of God and his Church.  While we continue to search for a Youth Minister, we will try our best to provide the same programs we have had in the past, especially Teen Cafe Wednesday nights at St. Bede and LIFETEEN Sunday nights at Holy Spirit.

Here are some upcoming dates to be aware of:

Make up Retreat for Confirmation: Thursday, August 8: 10 am-12 pm at St. Bede Parish Hall

Confirmation Meeting: For the teenagers enrolling into 9th grade and their parents or those wishing to start the 2 year confirmation program-  Tuesday, August 20th: 6:00 p.m St Bede Parish Hall

Teen Cafe Kickoff- Wednesday, September 4th: 6:30-8:30 at St Bede FLC

I'll be posting more dates as we get them.  If you have any questions contact me at  Thank you for your patience during this time of transistion.

God Bless

Fr. Pat

Thursday, March 21, 2013

April Service Projects

Hey Everybody,
I just wanted to give everyone some April Service Project Updates. We have tons of opportunities to serve our local community. Thank you for all the good work that you have been doing this year.

In Christ,

1. Teen Cafe/Life Teen Fundraiser Carwash--April 14th at the St. Bede back parking lot. 7:30am-12:30am. All proceeds go to help fund summer trips. Those who work can either earn service hours or a stipend for their summer trip. N.B. if you already received a stipend from the concessions then you can only work for service hours.

2. Lebanese Food Festival- Update--No Tickets will be sold after Easter Masses on March 30th or 31st. Contact Sandra Miles to sign up at

Saturday APRIL 6th---2 VOLUNTEERS each location SPRING BREAK WEEKEND
to sell tickets to festival and provide brochures about event---students may leave after church crowd leaves (Sandra will provide more details to volunteers)
St. Bede Church @ 5:45pm
Holy Spirit Church @ 6:15pm
St. Peters Church @ 6:15pm
St. Josephs Church Prattville @ 8:30am and 5:45pm

to sell tickets to festival and provide brochures about event---students may leave after church crowd leaves (Sandra will provide more details to volunteers)
St. Bede Church @ 9:00am and 10:30am and 1:00pm and 5:30pm
Holy Spirit Church @ 8:30am and 11:30am and 6:00pm
St. Peters Church @ 7:30am and 11:00 am
St. Josephs Church Prattville @ 8:30am and 11:30am

Saturday APRIL 13th---2 VOLUNTEERS each location
to sell tickets to festival and provide brochures about event---students may leave after church crowd leaves (Sandra will provide more details to volunteers)
St. Bede Church @ 5:45pm
Holy Spirit Church @ 6:15pm
St. Peters Church @ 6:15pm
St. Josephs Church Prattville @ 8:30am and 5:45pm

Sunday APRIL 14th---2 VOLUNTEERS each location
to sell tickets to festival and provide brochures about event---students may leave after church crowd leaves (Sandra will provide more details to volunteers)
St. Bede Church @ 9:00am and 10:30am and 1:00pm and 5:30pm
Holy Spirit Church @ 8:30am and 11:30am and 6:00pm
St. Peters Church @ 7:30am and 11:00 am
St. Josephs Church Prattville @ 8:30am and 11:30am

Tuesday APRIL 16th---20 Volunteers
3:00---7:00 St.. Bede School's Kitchen (come in door at back parking lot)
Students will be washing vegetables/sorting/picking parsley

Wednesday APRIL 17th---20 Volunteers
3:00---7:00 St. Bede School's Kitchen (come in door at back parking lot)
Students will be washing vegetables/sorting/cutting vegetables/packaging food

Thursday APRIL 18th--20 Volunteers
3:00--7:00 St. Bede School's Kitchen (come in door at back parking lot)
Students will be washing vegetables/sorting/cutting vegetables/packaging food

Friday, APRIL 19th---15 Volunteers
3:00---7:00 St. Bede School's Kitchen & Cafeteria (come in door at back parking lot)
Students will be setting up tables/chairs and placing of auction items
finishing any kitchen food prep work that needs to be complete before festival

6 Volunteers to Decorate 10:00--12:00
12 Volunteers to Work Festival and at the end of the night put away tables/chairs & pack away Festival Items 4:00--8:30

2. Volunteers Needed to Help with Holy Spirit Reception after Easter Vigil on March 30th from 7pm-10pm. Contact Karen Franklin to sign up at

3. Babysitting Needed at Holy Spirit Parish Hall--April 26th 6:45pm-10pm. Contact Allison Russo to sign up at

4. St. Bede First Communion Retreat and Reception:
First Holy Communion retreat--Saturday, April 13 9am-1pm
First Holy Communion reception--Saturday, April 20 11am – 1pm

Contact Joan Cavan to sign up at

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Questions Set 6: Important Saints

Hey everyone,
I just wanted to give you the questions for March.  These questions will be gone over at Christ in the Capital on the following dates:

Holy Spirit March 10 (Questions Due March 8th)
St. Bede March 13 (Questions due March 11th)

Keep in mind that because of the retreat, Holy Week and Easter Christ in the Capital had to moved to the 2nd Sunday instead of the usual 3rd Sunday.

Important Saints
  1. Who are your Confirmation Patron Saint and what is his/her significance?
  2. List the Apostles. Why does your answer have 14 names rather than 12?
  3. Who are the Fathers of the Church and what is their importance?
  4. What is a Doctor of the Church? List them.
  5. Who is St. Benedict? Describe the importance of his religious order to the history of Europe.
  6. Who is St. Patrick? Describe the importance of the Church in Ireland to the History of Europe.
  7. Who is Dominic? Describe the importance of his religious order.
  8. Who is St. Francis? Describe the importance of his religious order.
  9. Who is St. Ignatius? Describe the importance of his religious order. 
  10. Who is Blessed John XXIII and what is significance?
  11. Pick a twentieth century saint and describe his/her life and importance to the Church.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Questions Set 5: Mass/Liturgy

Due Dates:

St. Bede Christ in the Capital: Feb. 6th (Due Date Feb. 3rd)
Holy Spirit Christ in the Capital: Feb. 17th (Due Date Feb. 15th)

Mass / Liturgical
1.            Define the word ‘liturgy’ & explain how the meaning relates to the Mass?

2.            What are the two main parts of the Mass?

3.            At what Jewish event did Christ institute the second part of the Mass?

4.            The overall structure of the Mass is loosely based on what OT worship experience?

5.            name one biblical and one extra-biblical historical reference to the Mass?

6.            Name the liturgical seasons and associated colors?

7.            What are the 4 major categories of biblical books that are read at Sunday Mass?

8.            For which reading does the congregation stand and why?

9.            What ministers can celebrate Mass & which can preach during Mass?

10.        Define the phrase in personae Christi and how does it relate to the priest at Mass?

11.        What is the appropriate gesture of reverence for the tabernacle and the altar & why?

12.        What is the specific requirement for Mass attendance & when?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I just wanted to remind everyone about the upcoming Archdiocesan Catholic Youth Conference (ACYC) which is going to be held in Orange Beach, AL at the Perdido Beach Resort. The dates of the trip are February 22-24th and theme for this year is "Wide Open." The total cost for your trip will be $175.00 which will cover you conference cost, bus ride, and hotel stay. If you would like to go please RSVP by Jan by Jan. 31st by turning in your Registration paperwork. ACYC only occurs every two years so this is a great opportunity for all of the Catholic Youth of the Archdiocese to gather and worship together. This is going to be an awesome trip so i hope you can all make it.