Thursday, March 21, 2013

April Service Projects

Hey Everybody,
I just wanted to give everyone some April Service Project Updates. We have tons of opportunities to serve our local community. Thank you for all the good work that you have been doing this year.

In Christ,

1. Teen Cafe/Life Teen Fundraiser Carwash--April 14th at the St. Bede back parking lot. 7:30am-12:30am. All proceeds go to help fund summer trips. Those who work can either earn service hours or a stipend for their summer trip. N.B. if you already received a stipend from the concessions then you can only work for service hours.

2. Lebanese Food Festival- Update--No Tickets will be sold after Easter Masses on March 30th or 31st. Contact Sandra Miles to sign up at

Saturday APRIL 6th---2 VOLUNTEERS each location SPRING BREAK WEEKEND
to sell tickets to festival and provide brochures about event---students may leave after church crowd leaves (Sandra will provide more details to volunteers)
St. Bede Church @ 5:45pm
Holy Spirit Church @ 6:15pm
St. Peters Church @ 6:15pm
St. Josephs Church Prattville @ 8:30am and 5:45pm

to sell tickets to festival and provide brochures about event---students may leave after church crowd leaves (Sandra will provide more details to volunteers)
St. Bede Church @ 9:00am and 10:30am and 1:00pm and 5:30pm
Holy Spirit Church @ 8:30am and 11:30am and 6:00pm
St. Peters Church @ 7:30am and 11:00 am
St. Josephs Church Prattville @ 8:30am and 11:30am

Saturday APRIL 13th---2 VOLUNTEERS each location
to sell tickets to festival and provide brochures about event---students may leave after church crowd leaves (Sandra will provide more details to volunteers)
St. Bede Church @ 5:45pm
Holy Spirit Church @ 6:15pm
St. Peters Church @ 6:15pm
St. Josephs Church Prattville @ 8:30am and 5:45pm

Sunday APRIL 14th---2 VOLUNTEERS each location
to sell tickets to festival and provide brochures about event---students may leave after church crowd leaves (Sandra will provide more details to volunteers)
St. Bede Church @ 9:00am and 10:30am and 1:00pm and 5:30pm
Holy Spirit Church @ 8:30am and 11:30am and 6:00pm
St. Peters Church @ 7:30am and 11:00 am
St. Josephs Church Prattville @ 8:30am and 11:30am

Tuesday APRIL 16th---20 Volunteers
3:00---7:00 St.. Bede School's Kitchen (come in door at back parking lot)
Students will be washing vegetables/sorting/picking parsley

Wednesday APRIL 17th---20 Volunteers
3:00---7:00 St. Bede School's Kitchen (come in door at back parking lot)
Students will be washing vegetables/sorting/cutting vegetables/packaging food

Thursday APRIL 18th--20 Volunteers
3:00--7:00 St. Bede School's Kitchen (come in door at back parking lot)
Students will be washing vegetables/sorting/cutting vegetables/packaging food

Friday, APRIL 19th---15 Volunteers
3:00---7:00 St. Bede School's Kitchen & Cafeteria (come in door at back parking lot)
Students will be setting up tables/chairs and placing of auction items
finishing any kitchen food prep work that needs to be complete before festival

6 Volunteers to Decorate 10:00--12:00
12 Volunteers to Work Festival and at the end of the night put away tables/chairs & pack away Festival Items 4:00--8:30

2. Volunteers Needed to Help with Holy Spirit Reception after Easter Vigil on March 30th from 7pm-10pm. Contact Karen Franklin to sign up at

3. Babysitting Needed at Holy Spirit Parish Hall--April 26th 6:45pm-10pm. Contact Allison Russo to sign up at

4. St. Bede First Communion Retreat and Reception:
First Holy Communion retreat--Saturday, April 13 9am-1pm
First Holy Communion reception--Saturday, April 20 11am – 1pm

Contact Joan Cavan to sign up at