Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Confirmation Questions Set #3

Hey Everyone,
Here are the questions for the Month of December:

Due Dates:
Christ in the Capital @St. Bede Session (12/12):  Questions Due December 7th

Christ in the Capital @Holy Spirit Session (12/16): Questions Due December 14th

Morality Questions #1:
  1. Name the 10 Commandments in order.
  2.  Define sin. What is the Difference between a Mortal Sin and a Venial Sin? What is the Difference between a Sin of Commission and a Sin of Omission?
  3. What are the three criteria for a sin to be mortal? Give Scriptural evidence for the existence of Mortal Sin.
  4. What are the three sources of a moral act? Which is primary and why?
  5. Why is the Christian notion of Freedom not “I can do whatever I want?” Explain.
  6. What are the Precepts of the Church?
  7. List and explain the seven Deadly Sins. List and explain the corresponding virtues.
  8. What is natural virtue? How does one acquire them? List and explain the four Cardinal Virtues.
  9. What are the three Theological Virtues? How does one acquire them? Explain the difference between a Cardinal and a Theological Virtue.
  10. Define the following terms: Eternal Law, Natural Law, and Human Positive Law.  What is the relationship between them? How should this inform political life in a community?