Here are the questions for the Month of December:
Due Dates:
Christ in the Capital @St. Bede Session (12/12): Questions Due December 7th
Christ in the Capital @Holy Spirit Session (12/16): Questions Due December 14th
Morality Questions #1:
- Name the 10 Commandments in order.
- Define sin. What is the Difference between a Mortal Sin and a Venial Sin? What is the Difference between a Sin of Commission and a Sin of Omission?
- What are the three criteria for a sin to be mortal? Give Scriptural evidence for the existence of Mortal Sin.
- What are the three sources of a moral act? Which is primary and why?
- Why is the Christian notion of Freedom not “I can do whatever I want?” Explain.
- What are the Precepts of the Church?
- List and explain the seven Deadly Sins. List and explain the corresponding virtues.
- What is natural virtue? How does one acquire them? List and explain the four Cardinal Virtues.
- What are the three Theological Virtues? How does one acquire them? Explain the difference between a Cardinal and a Theological Virtue.
- Define the following terms: Eternal Law, Natural Law, and Human Positive Law. What is the relationship between them? How should this inform political life in a community?