Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Upcoming Service Projects

Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to draw your attention to some service opportunities that were coming up in the next couple months:

Tuesday April 10th, Thursday April, 12, & Friday April 13: I need 4-5 people per date to meet me in the St. Bede Family Life Center from 3:30-5:00pm to chop up 4-5 cases of parsley for the Lebanese Food Festival.

Friday April 13th: 5:30-7:30pm I need 6-8 volunteers to help me set up tables for the Lebanese Food Festival in the St. Bede School Cafeteria.

Saturday April 14th: Holy Spirit Yard Clean Up Day 9:00am-12:00pm.  Minor yard work and gardening around the property.  Please bring gardening tools (gloves, rakes, garden shovels, etc.).  Lunch will be provided.

Saturday April 14th: Lebanese Food Festival Request Volunteers to help serve food, drinks and take out trash 3:30pm-7:00pm in the St. Bede School Cafeteria (6-8 volunteers)

Saturday April 14th: Lebanese Food Festival Volunteers needed to tear down the tables after the festival from 7:00pm-8:30pm (6-8 volunteers).
Saturday May 12th: Mission Dinner--Fundraiser Dinner for youth program.  Volunteers needed for set up/decoration, waiting tables, entertainment @ dinner, and community service auction. Service at the event will be awarded $100.00 stipend for Covecrest if you were unable to participate in Concessions.  Attached to the talent portion there will also be an Community service Auction in which the students auction off services such as Babysitting, Lawn Care, House Cleaning, Car Washes, etc..  Whatever is bid on your service goes directly towards your child's Covecrest Trip. You can also do regular auction items for silent auction which will also go directly towards your child's trip expenses.

Saturday May 19th: Holy Spirit Church Clean up 9:00am-2:00pm--Day of cleaning to Beautify the Church sanctuary in preparation for the 1st Mass of Dc. Victor Ingalls after his Priestly Ordination.